
How the reviews work...

We score each restaurant out of 10. This isn't just plucked out of thin air, this is based on a rating for every aspect of the entire experience including six main categories: quality of food, venue, service, atmosphere, menu and value for money. Each category is split into even more specific sub-categories such as how clear the menu is, how attentive the staff are and how comfortable the furniture is. But as some aspects are more important than others, they're each rated out of either 10, 5 or 3 depending on how much weight we feel it should give to the overall score. All of the points are added up and worked out as a percentage to give us a a final score out of 10. Nerdy, we know. The full scorecard is available for each venue at the bottom of the review page. At least now you know we're being thorough!

How we remain impartial ...

100% of our revenue is generated from the adverts on our site. We never work directly with a restaurant in any capacity to avoid subconscious bias. Similarly, we never accept invites or free offers to review a restaurant. Once we publish a review, the score will remain untouched, regardless of the feedback we receive. Our reviews are based solely on our individual experience but we do make slight adjustments if we feel our experience was not representative of the average guest.